Sunday Service 10am

1592 SE Floresta Drive
Port St. Lucie, Florida

Traditional Lutheran worship, with liturgy and hymns. Connected to Christ through faith, we are forgiven and made heirs of God’s kingdom. We look forward to meeting you!



  • Those who have placed themselves under our spiritual care through instruction and church membership may commune. We extend this also to those who have this same status at one of our fellowship congregations in the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) and in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).

  • Typically, those interested in membership make an appointment with the Senior Pastor to go through the senior catechesis class, which is a summary of the teachings of the Bible.

  • The Historic Lectionary of the Christian Church connects us to believers from the early church, and even the Old Testament worship of those who believed God's promise of a Savior to come. The parts of the service come from the Bible. The congregation participates through responses that are sung or spoken. This is the style of worship that some refer to as "traditional".

  • Yes. The Holy Spirit works through the Word, also among children - even if they do not yet fully understand all of the words that are being spoken and sung. It is important that they learn to take part in worship early in life so that it goes along with them into later life. Parents are encouraged to bring along a little snack or a book to occupy them in difficult moments, and to make use of the nursery room at the back of the church across from the drinking fountain if necessary.



Christ Lutheran Church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS), headquartered in Mankato, Minnesota. We are connected with twenty-four other church bodies throughout the United States and the world in the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference (CELC), including the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).  

Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) | Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) | Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference (CELC)


Our Synod’s Monthly Publication